06 Mar Fit February with Stayallfit
After being pregnant and delivering a baby 5 months ago, I really wanted to start working out again. As we recently moved to a new city as well, I didn’t know yet which sport club I wanted to join. Then I learned about Stay All Fit, a membership that gives you unlimited access to the premium sports locations within Haarlem, Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam. I live in Haarlem, work in Amsterdam and my family lives in Rotterdam. As any mom can affirm, you don’t have a lot of time nor structure when you have young kids. That is why I love Stay All Fit. With their app I can check within 2 seconds where and when I can join a class. All partners have high quality facilities with professional workouts and trainers. I can experiment different teachers, locations and work outs and I really enjoyed that a lot! One morning I went ice skating in Amsterdam before work with a beautiful sunrise and the next evening I did TRX and Zumba at BBB Health Club in Haarlem. But I especially fell for kickfun at Smile Sport, a really cool and active kick box lesson on the best beats in a cozy sport club. Another cool workout was bootcamp at the outdoor gym, Krachtbox. To be honest I still don’t know which sport club I should join… Therefore I will be a long and fit member of Stay All Fit. Go check them out and see if this would also works (out) for you!
– As always, thank you for reading! XoXo Susanne! –
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